Olof O. Nylander of Woodland showed off the Aroostook County Swedish communities of New Sweden, Woodland, Perham and Caribou in a series of 18 samlats or displays of photographs that he took to an industrial fair and celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Homes and farms depicted on samlat 1 include: Martin Lanstrom, August E. Nilson, Olof Anderson, A. F. Zetterman, Andrew Dygd, Emil Pearson, Joseph A Johnson, Carl E. Johnson, Olof Olander, N. G. Nilson, Andrew Soderlund, Fritjof Zetterman, Axel Landfors, O. Adler, J. Osel, Carl Carlson.
The name of Pierson is found in various documents spelled as Person, Pearson or Pierson.
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