The Nylander Museum of Natural History in Caribou is dedicated to the work of Olof Nylander and the Natural History of the Northeast.
Olof Nylander was a Swedish-born self-taught naturalist. He was noted for his work in Aroostook County and the surrounding parts of Canada, both for his expertise in geological and paleontological matters and his knowledge of local flora and fauna.
Nylander was the museum's first curator and upon his death his collections were left to the Museum. The results of many field studies, research, and collecting are now represented in the extensive collections of the Museum.
Selected Nylander Museum images:
Olof O. Nylander family, Woodland, ca. 1922
Olof O. Nylander farm, Woodland, ca. 1922
Olof O. Nylander in his work room, Caribou High School, 1936
C. Albion Johnson home, Woodland, ca. 1922
Havey's Pharmacy, Caribou, ca. 1922
Caribou National Bank interior, ca. 1922
Phi J. Anderson farm, New Sweden, ca. 1922
Capital Skolan, New Sweden, ca. 1922
Spraying a potato field, New Sweden, ca. 1922
Holstein and Ayrshire bulls, Caribou Fair, ca 1922
Nylander samlat 1, New Sweden, 1922
Nylander samlat 15, Caribou, 1922